
Consistent messaging an impactful story.

Scope: Branding system, social media strategy and implementation, trade shows, videography and photography.
Year: 2019 –
Results: Growing awareness and engagement within the cities visit. National news recognition. Veteran organizations, hospitals and police departments actively reach out to EFL to provide services to veterans they can’t.

Project Details

Enlisted For Life

It started with a breakfast meeting at a diner near the railroad station in Syracuse. Listening intently to Sean – a veteran’s story – and the impact of a cold, wet and late chance meeting he had on the streets of Manhattan, started me on an amazing journey.

See that cold, wet and late night encounter gave Sean a new purpose, feed his soul and helped him relieve his PTSD. Similarly that breakfast meeting, hearing his story gave me a purpose beyond creating the brand and creative solutions.

To understand Enlisted For Life I needed to go on a mission with him. That was end of 2019 and we still go on missions. Now EFL is a 501C3, opportunities for helping more and more homeless veterans and veterans in need happen daily.